Strategic consulting

Get clarity, direction, and advice, from someone who knows how to make a difference.
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What do you REALLY want?

Is everything going the way you want it to go? For many business owners... not so much.

You want to succeed. You're hungry for it. But figuring out how? That's a whole different thing.

There's just so much noise on the Internet, it's easy to get distracted. The courses. The programs. The groups. The business models. The service providers who promise you their option is the one that will make the magic happen.

So maybe hold up a sec and take a step back. Maybe what you need isn't a solution, maybe what you need is a bit of clarity.

Hey it's me

As easy as 1, 2, 3

Step 1: Book A Time

It's pretty easy. You can book a time directly in my calendar meet and run through things. Sometimes a single meeting is enough, sometimes we need to schedule a follow up. There's no ongoing plans or lock in.

Step 2: Implement the stuff

After a meeting, you'll have a bunch of stuff you need to do. Go out and do it. 
That's the only way you'll be able to change anything.

Step 3: review and reassess

Once you've done the stuff, review it and see if its been resolved. If so, awesome. If not, or if you find something else you want to work on, go back to step 1.
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Here's some I prepared earlier

I've given advice to a number of agency owners through different things like improving their sales processes, optimising their agency procedures, and even launching their own courses or digital products. I reached out to a few to ask them for a quick video - and they sent these WITHOUT me even needing to resort to a bribe! So nice of them!
Do you know Kyle? Kyle launched a new product that quickly became the biggest revenue generator for his business.
And Corey? He got almost 170 people buy his new course... before he even launched it!
Noah.. well he transformed his entire agency and now regularly closes $20k+ brochure sites.
The main thing these guys all did? They took action!! 
(I bet you thought I was gonna say they worked with me, didn't you?)

I mean, sure we worked together. I gave them advice, asked them questions, shared some experience, and helped them figure things out... but there's plenty of people I've done that with over the years that didn't get anywhere. Success comes to those that do the work! Do you want to do the work?
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Who the heck am i?

My name is Nick Gulic, and I run a small but highly profitable digital agency in Sydney, Australia.

Before starting my web agency though, I used to consult on marketing and sales strategy to small businesses around Australia. That's helped me do some cool things with my agency, and made sure I ran my business in a way that allowed me to make a really nice level of profit without working around the clock. Since then, I've gone on to create a pretty popular sales course, coached a bunch of agency owners to growing their businesses and launching new products, and have consulted on strategy and design globally.

I'm not claiming that I'm good at everything, or that I have all the answers, but I definitely have some of the answers and get pretty good results for the people I work with.

Pricing and next steps

Sounds great, but how much is this gonna cost you? 
Well, I don't do monthly plans or anything like that (it feels like you need to keep finding things to work on). So ultimately, if you want to chat, you can book in a single session at a time.
One Off Session
A one off session where we can run through whatever you want.

Want to have a chat

Got something you’d like to talk about? You can use this form to reach me.
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